
    2024 Fall Events

Registration is now open for fall retreat & training!


September 2024 Retreat and EDUCATION EVENT

At the Medomak Retreat Center in Washington, Maine.

September 13-15, 2024

3 Classes with Garry Adkins

Summary URL:    https://cvent.me/r17xa2

Registration URL:   https://cvent.me/W2wxXZ

Pricing for full event registration which includes 2 nights lodging in a shared cabin, 6 meals, and 3 classes:

The regular price is $ 399 for members and $ 459 for non-members

Early bird pricing until July 15th: $ 359 for members and $ 399 for non-members.


Price for arriving Sat morning which includes 1-night lodging, 4 meals, and 2 classes

The regular price is $ 359 for members and $ 419 for non-members

Early bird pricing until July 15th: $ 339 for members and $ 389 for non-members.


The Trainings:

Introduction to kinesiology tape

Friday evening Sept 13, 6:30-8:30 pm.   2 CEUs

For decades, kinesiology tape has been used by amateur and professional athletes, trainers, and rehabilitation specialists to support and activate muscles, improve blood flow, reduce swelling, and relieve pain.

Anecdotal evidence seems to show that applying these colorful strips of stretchy, breathable tape on affected parts of the body has a therapeutic benefit. But are users experiencing a placebo effect or is there actual clinical research to back up their claims?

In this 2-hour course explore using kinesiology tape and learn the latest evidence.


Mechanical correction using Kinesiology tape

Saturday, Sept 14, 8:30 am -1:30 pm. 6 – 9 pm.   8 CEUs

 Effective manual modality to correct dysfunctional posture and giving reinforcement and balance with improved postural awareness

Tape correction allows us to improve our proprioceptive senses, providing us with an improved awareness of what good posture feels like and what’s needed to achieve it.

Topics to be covered:

  • How does kinesiology tape work and when should it not be used
  • Types of Tape and Primary Uses
  • Removal of the tape from the skin
  • Primal Posture

Lab work:

Anteverted Pelvis/SI Joint Correction, Middle Back Correction, Anteriorly Rotated Shoulders Correction, Elevated Shoulder Posture Correction, Forward Head Posture Correction, Thoracic Outlet Syndrome Correction, Sacroiliac Joint Correction, Hip Flexor/Glute Correction, Abdominal Tape Correction, Maternity Tape Correction, Patellar Tape Correction 1-2, Ankle Strain Tape Correction 1-2.

Lab work: Corrections for:

Anteverted Pelvis/SI Joint, Middle Back, Anteriorly Rotated Shoulders, Elevated Shoulder Posture, Forward Head Posture, Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, Sacroiliac Joint, Hip Flexor/Glute, Abdominal Tape, Maternity Tape, Patellar Tape 1-2, Ankle Strain Tape 1-2.


Mastering Myofascial Release

Sunday, Sept 15, 9 am – 4 pm.   6 CEUs

Master myofascial release and its clinical applications for the neck, shoulders, back, and extremities.

Learn how MR alleviates pain, increases flexibility/ROM, and protects your hands by improving your mechanical advantage.

Learn to:

  • Master myofascial release (MR) positioning, techniques, and advanced combinations
  • Clinically apply MR to conditions of the neck, shoulders, back, and extremities
  • Improve function, range of motion, and proprioception
  • Reduce chronic tension
  • Navigate the anatomy/function of the myofascial system
  • Identify common soft tissue restrictions, fibrosis, and scarring
  • Stimulate regeneration of damaged soft tissues and the resorption of scar tissue


Fascial tissue can become rigid, and inelastic over time, due to physical and emotional trauma, habit patterns, disease, and the desiccation of tissue that can accompany the aging process, In short, fascial tissue will change from a lubricant to an adhesive. This binding up of fascial tissue causes a great deal of what the patient experiences as stress, tension, pain, and reduced range of motion.

In this seminar, we’ll focus on techniques and treatment protocols that immediately reduce chronic tension and improve range of motion with minimal residual soreness the next day. Discover a myofascial treatment approach that utilizes gentle pressure to increase client proprioception while allowing fascia to gently lengthen, stretch, soften, and become more flexible. Finally, explore how using less pressure can improve your mechanical advantage and empower you to treat fascia more deeply and effectively.





Summary URL:    https://cvent.me/r17xa2

Registration URL:   https://cvent.me/W2wxXZ


Venue Information


A Camp for Families and Retreat Center for Adults

307 Liberty Road, Washington, ME 04574

Accommodations are 2 and 3-person cabins with bathrooms and showers.

Meals will be served in their dining hall.


Saturday afternoon hiking and canoeing weather permitting.   Evening fire gatherings.

Volunteer a service or activity.

Summary URL:  https://cvent.me/r17xa2

Registration URL: https://cvent.me/W2wxXZ


See our EVENTS page for MORE INFO about future trainings, upcoming Meet and Greets online, National Convention These are wonderful ways to stay connected, network, and bring your experiences to others.

Government Relations (GR) Committee Meeting: Sunday  September 11,  2023 at 9 am ZOOM. All are welcome to join in. Contact Tarnya for the Zoom login information.

Board Meetings: The last Tuesday of each month at 7 pm, online via ZOOM Please contact a board member if you would like to attend via Zoom. We encourage Maine members to join us, learn about committees and future activities, which need active donations of time.



See Covid-19 Maine resources page for latest State Mandates about in-public gatherings and more.

DOCUMENT FOR MAINE LICENSED Massage Therapists and Gov. Janet Mills’s latest statement accelerating vaccination delivery:


UPDATED RESOURCES from AMTA National Site: https://www.amtamassage.org/about/news/covid-19-resources-for-massage-therapists/

Notice to Licensed Massage Therapists

For more information resources, and links check AMTA National website:https://www.amtamassage.org/index.html

We will post others on a separate resources page:



If you would like to volunteer or donate any amount of time to a committee or event

 Please contact any board member or email maine@amtamassage.org. Thank you for your patience as one of our volunteer’s replies to your email or message.

We thank you for your membership, involvement, and ideas.









AMTA Maine Chapter Calendar