About ME Chapter

AMTA Maine Chapter’s Mission and Purpose

The American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA) is a non-profit 501(c)(6) company representing more than 58,000 massage therapists nationwide. Our Maine Chapter proudly supports 622 members practicing in our state. Our Chapter provides: exceptional continuing education opportunities three times each year, encourages networking and social opportunities, reports any legislative changes and requirements within our profession and works hard to educate our communities about the benefits of receiving skilled massage. Please feel free to contact any of our Chapter Board members.

Interested in what your Chapter is doing?

Find out what is going on in these areas of the Maine Chapter and follow these links.

Let’s Make a Difference in Your Profession!

Welcome the 2025 Maine Chapter Board

President: Kristen Phillips
Board Member: Karen Roper
Financial Admin: Pam Litchfield
Secretary: Jessie Greenbaum

Committees and Delegates

Come be a part of your community. These are the leaders use contact form below to become involved. 

Communications: Karen Roper

Public Relations Chair and Online Elections Coordinator: Jane Irving

Membership Chair: Jessie Greenbaum

Education Chair: Bekkah Doone

Government Relations: Tarnya Constantino

Sports Massage: Erika Robishaw


Jessie Ann Greenbaum

To contact a AMTA Maine Chapter Board Member or Committee Chair please use our new contact options:

Maine Chapter Phone and Email: 207-805-9400 maine@amtamassage.org

We do not post the minutes. You are welcome to learn more about participation at committee or Board our meetings and how to obtain minutes upon request.

Board Meeting Minutes

For specific information on Education, training and links to registration, follow this link to the events page:


For specifics about the Government Relations Committee, use this link to the GRC page. We encourage you to join us for a meeting and find out how to get involved. Your participation means a lot, and you can donate as much time as you are able.

Government Relations

For more fun stuff, interviews with members and trainers, member creations, special stories of service, health tips, things of local interest, and member Q&A check out the newsletters. We welcome your suggestions for topics or themes, your pictures and stories to publish. Please join our committee if you would like to donate some time to the newsletter.


Government Relations Committee:
We will update you as we become informed about bills we need to discuss and address. We will have information about how to correspond with legislators and senators. We can follow bills and track the developments and meetings that relate.

How to follow a bill: sign up for the mailing list from the Committee on Health Coverage, Insurance, & Finance. This will give one lots of updated emails to your email inbox.

There are 13 legislators on the committee, a clerk and 2 analysts. We will make a list of them and the area they are from, from the maine.gov site, so people can see if their legislators are on this committee and be encouraged to contact them. Tanya, our Committee Chair has assembled a spread sheet for 151 representatives from maine.gov. There is one for Senators as well.

If you ever need to contact your legislators you can start here:

CONTACT SENATORS:  3 State House Station,  Augusta, 04333-0003, or 1-800-423-6900;

CONTACT REPRESENTATIVES:  2 State House  Station, Augusta, 04333-0002, or 1-800-423-2900.

There have been questions about which bodywork practitioners are required to have massage licenses.  The following section of the Maine law speaks to that:

Exemptions to registration or certification

  1. Other professionals. This chapter does not apply to the activities or services of members of other professions licensed, certified or registered by the State, including, but not limited to, physicians, chiropractors, physical therapists, cosmetologists or registered nurses performing soft tissue manipulation consistent with the laws of the State governing their practices, provided they do not use the title “massage therapist” or “massage practitioner.”
[ 1993, c. 245, §8 (AMD) .]
  1. Other exemptions.  This chapter does not apply to the activities and services of individuals who practice other forms of tissue work exclusive of massage therapy, such as rolfing, Trager, reflexology, Shiatsu, Reiki and polarity, if those practitioners do not use the title “massage therapist” or “massage practitioner,” unless they choose to meet the requirements of this chapter.

A copy of the present state law governing massage therapy is can be found on the state website.  The contact information for the Massage Therapy Licensing is

Office of Professional and Occupational Regulation


Gardiner Annex 76 Northern Ave, Gardiner, ME

35 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333


Maine Massage Therapy License Renewal
If you have forgotten when your license needs to be renewed go to:
search for your name, then click on the result and the system will show you your renewal date.
We can not stress the importance of timely renewal.  The state is very hard on those who have let their license lapse as some of our members can attest.
Another useful contact is:
Maine Department of Labor  207-623-7900
45 Commerce Drive, Augusta, Maine